Mastery Gamify your classroom

with video game rules!

*Times have changed.

*Students have changed.

*Schools have changed.

*Why are teachers leaving the profession? Traditional teaching methods don’t work anymore.

*Both teachers and students are frustrated in the classroom.

Are teachers leaving the profession? Yes! Teachers are leaving the profession in droves.

It’s the norm for students to be bored in school and joke about forgetting everything they learned.
Is this any way to live and learn?

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    It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way!

    Mastery Gamification is a teaching methodology that uses video game rules to engage student and elevate classroom expectations.

    *Modern students require modern teaching strategies.

    *Not the stale old methods that they teach in universities.
    *The methods they taught us in the process of getting our teaching degree was just the foundation.

    *As teachers, we have a responsibility to discover and implement strategies that work for our modern students.

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    Teacher Frustration

    I experienced teacher frustration about 5 years into my teaching career when I realized that my teaching strategies were not working with my modern students.

    It wasn’t for lack of trying!

    I had gone to school, earned way too many degrees, took on the student debt, passed the tests.

    I was considered “highly qualified” but many of my students did not connect with my content.

    They would do just enough to “get by” and would “pass” my class with a D-, never really learning anything.

    I was frustrated, my students were frustrated, and I was stressed to the max.

    But then I found Mastery Gamification.

    My student grades went up, my fail list went down, my students were more engaged and they were learning better than ever.

    Mastery Gamification revolutionized my teaching!

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      Segroves Strategies LLC aims to empower teachers in their classrooms through the Mastery Gamification Methodology.

      The Mastery Gamification Methodology consists of three primary components:




      *Student grades are based on set standards.

      *Practice is for learning the skills outlined in the standards, not for grades.

      *This method makes it harder for students to use academically dishonest practices like using artificial intelligence for the answers.

      *Students are required to reach a predetermined “mastery level grade” on each unit before moving on.

      *They cannot just put in minimal effort and “pass” with a D-.

      *Students prove to themselves they are capable of great things.

      *Unlimited redos on tests until the student reaches the mastery level.

      *Teaches grit.

      *Invites students to be the hero of a game.

      *Incentivizes students to do well in class outside of grade value marks.

      *Students must beat a boss at each level before moving on.

      *Students engage in quests instead of “schoolwork.”

      *Makes learning fun to the modern student.

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      Join the Revolution!

         *Join the revolution! Subscribe to get my emails. Let’s level up education together! Then you can stop asking yourself “Why are teachers leaving the profession?”      *Join our Facebook group to meet like-minded teachers who are tired of being frustrated and ready for change!     

      *For weekly insights about implementing the Mastery Gamification Methodology, be sure to subscribe to my email list below. I’ll send you a free quiz to see if Mastery Gamification will work with your teaching style!

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