

Has anyone noticed how students have changed? That traditional teaching methods are less and less effective? That teachers are leaving the profession in droves? I want to give you, the classroom teacher, strategies to overcome teacher frustration so that you can continue to be the content expert in your field using your current curriculum.

Anyone can learn about gamification in the classroom. I am a classroom teacher and a teacher coach who loves to create new classroom systems.

Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher but what I wanted to teach was a mystery. My teacher certification journey did not have a clear destination, and I ended up with WAY more certifications than I needed. I am certified in and have worked with the following:

-K-8 classroom

-K-12 ELL

-6-12 Spanish

My goal is to help you, the classroom expert, defeat teacher frustration and empower you in your classroom. Empowered teachers empower students, and empowered students learn.

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