Quote for Beginning of School Year
Hello, Teacher-Guides! It’s been a crazy beginning of the school year for me. I’m sure you can say the same! There’s something about the beginning of the school year that prompts us to find inspiration. The beginning of the school year is nearly as big a deal as January 1! Students get new school supplies, teachers prepare their classrooms to welcome pupils, and parents sigh a sigh of relief. I sometimes like to start the school year remembering my “why” or my motivation to continue in this often stressful job. I hope this quote for beginning of school year also helps you remember your why.
“The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.” – Plato
How’s that for a quote for beginning of school year? This quote is so important because it reminds me of the real reason I teach. Students are still building the foundations of their lives. As a teacher, I have the privilege and responsibility to help them build a strong foundation.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
I’m a recovering perfectionist. Anyone else? It took me quite some time to let go of the burden of perfectionism and instead embrace excellence. Once I decided to embrace excellence instead, I was less afraid to try new things and therefore my work improved.
“Empowered teachers empower students and empowered students learn.” – Stephanie Segroves
This is one of my favorites and it’s from yours truly! This quote is a double reminder for me. It reminds me to first take care of myself and make sure I have the tools I need to be the best teacher I can. Secondly, it reminds me that students have to feel empowered and in charge of their education if they are going to make decisions that are helpful for their future. If a student feels like he is not trusted or allowed to make decisions about his education, how can we expect him to make good decisions?
Your Quote for the Beginning of the School Year – Delivered!
New school year, new students, new teaching strategies. I would love to help you out to empower your students during this school year! My Mastery Gamification Methodology has delivered great results for my students and I’d love to help yours have fun and get those results too! If you want to empower your students to be responsible for their own education this year, send me a message on my Facebook page. Or send me an email at stephanie@segrovestrategies.com. I would love to support you in your journey! And don’t forget to check out my other blog posts to give you inspiration. Happy teaching!