
Classroom Assessment for Learning

I’m standing in my classroom as a new teacher, looking out at the empty room, very anxious. I know that I want to meet every student at their level and help them to learn at their own pace. However, there are Common Core Standards, State Standards, State Testing, data to deliver, and many other requirements that put pressure on teachers […]

Unlocking the Power of Personalized Learning Curriculum with Mastery Gamification

Hey Teacher Friends! When I was a new teacher, one of the biggest mysteries of teaching was how to differentiate well. I learned that I should differentiate and each student should have a personalized learning curriculum. The professors said that it’s best practice to differentiate. I was told that all students have different learning styles and different paces at which […]

Rewards and Motivation

Imagine for a moment that you are a K12 student who has not been taught to value grades and schoolwork. Since your family doesn’t want truancy issues, you find yourself at your 7 hour prison sentence each day at 8:00-3:00. You float from class to class, messing around with your friends and trying not to get in trouble. Under these […]

Why Learning Should Be Fun!

Hey Teacher Guides! Have you ever wondered if you are actually reaching your students? Are you ever worried that you sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher just droning on and on? We know that both adults and students need to have interest in a concept to actually do well. If teachers are completely irrelevant to students and there is no motivation […]

The Role of the Teacher in Classroom Gaming Narrative

In a recent blog, we delved into the scientific foundation that supports Mastery Gamification, particularly focusing on how to teach grit in the classroom. If I were to summarize all the science and research behind Mastery Gamification on academic performance, engagement in the classroom, making good decisions, grit, growth mindset, counteracting learned helplessness, and self-efficacy, there is a common thread […]

Level Up Classroom Engagement with Science! Tackling Apathy with Mastery Gamification

Many teachers say that student apathy is at an all-time high in schools. It is hard to motivate students to complete school tasks or even convey the importance of doing school work. In facing this challenge, understanding how to overcome student apathy in the classroom is crucial, and this includes addressing how to overcome learned helplessness in the classroom. Many […]

Unveiling the Mastery Gamification Methodology: A New Era in Education

Students have changed. Education has changed. Standards are long and attention spans are short. Apathy is up and grit is down. Student-centered learning advantages are often overlooked. Problems are numerous and trainings are few. The one thing that hasn’t changed is the teacher’s desire to do their best for their students. But that’s where the problem lies, isn’t it? Teachers […]

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