Using Stories in Teacher-Student Relationship

Gamification is about stories. Stories are everywhere. Stories are everything. The question is, will we write our own or will we let someone else write them? In fact, we can use stories to define teacher-student relationship to increase student engagement and educational ownership. I’ve been using an original system of gamification and mastery classroom strategies in my classroom for the […]

Stories in the Classroom for Gamification

Stories are everything. That’s it, blog post done! Oh, wait, what? More details required? Well, as long as you remember the important thing – stories. are. everything. In fact, teachers can use stories in the classroom as a powerful tool to increase student engagement. Why are stories important? Stories. are. everything. Throughout history, humans have always used stories to entertain, […]

It’s Happening!

Ok, first blog jitters. Is that even a thing? Apparently, it is. I have wanted to do this for so long and it’s finally happening. Hello, World! I am Stephanie Segroves – a current classroom teacher, a teacher coach, and now, a blogger! Summer vacation is here in Michigan and the sun on my face is making me reflect on […]

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