Stories in 6 Words: Embracing the Human Journey

Have you ever tried to listen to your subconscious? Not the words that you consciously think but rather the impression and reactions to the world and your place in it. Generally, these subconscious thoughts are in the form of a short story. For example, a teacher taking a walk down the sidewalk of their hometown may think: “Familiar faces, warm […]

Mastery of Standards in the Classroom

I love summer break. Summer break for educators is a time to relax, de-stress, and recharge for next year. All educators have their own approach to summer break. Some educators take summer jobs, some take vacations, some focus on family and fun, some reflect on how the past year went, and some plan their strategy for the next school year. […]

Mastery Based Classroom

Maybe you’re thinking about switching your classroom system to mastery based. You’ve heard great things about the method and how it raises expectations for students and you want to give it a try. But then, you get pulled to the side after a staff meeting and have the following conversation with a fellow teacher. “Psst. I see that you have […]

Bullies in Kindergarten and Other Classroom Roles

Bullies in kindergarten? How is that even possible? In other grades too, bullying can be a big problem. Bullies in kindergarten and really all grades are simply taking on roles that the teacher has some influence over. In last week’s blog post, we compared the teacher-student relationship in the classroom to a guide-hero relationship in a video game and the […]

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