Student Roles in the Classroom

The hero. The victim. The spectator. These are the primary student roles in the classroom. If you’re here looking for a blog on classroom jobs for students, move along, this isn’t that post. However, if you are looking for a way to use students’ natural tendencies to tell themselves a story about their lives to engage them in learning, this […]

The Role of a Teacher Inside the Classroom

New technology, online learning, AI support, tablets, phones, and screens. New programs, new curriculums, behavior plans, behavior incentives, discipline questions, and truancy officers. What do all these things have in common? Yes, you guessed it, these are some of the elements that are constantly changing in education. Despite these constant changes, there is one thing that has not changed in […]

We Can Do Better: Embracing the Mastery Game in Education

“Ugh, I hate science class. It’s so boring! The teacher just rambles on about sciency stuff all day,” – student. We live in an interesting time in education. In the United States, we are privileged enough to have an established, solid, public school system. All minors must attend school until a certain age because each citizen with basic academic knowledge […]

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