Grades and Motivation and their Correlation

What impact do grades have on motivation? What impact does motivation have on grades? In last week’s blog post, we discussed the correlation between grades and self-esteem. How grades can become an integral part of a student’s self-esteem for good or bad (but it more for bad than good). Let’s see if we can find a reason to keep grades […]

Grades and Self-Esteem

When you were in school, were you an A student? Maybe you were a C student? Did you struggle in a certain subject? Were you valedictorian? Or maybe you were mad when you ranked #2 in your graduating class. How did those experiences make you feel? What feedback did that give you about who you were as a person? Identity […]

Bandura Theory Self Efficacy in Education

What’s the best way to motivate students to be high achievers in school? Is it bribery? Maybe that works in the short term but doesn’t increase motivation for future tasks. Is it stamping a grade on a test, determining their knowledge level on a subject, and then moving on to the next unit? That might work for some students but […]

What is a Successful Student Mindset?

There is a mindset that successful students have that schools don’t know how to teach. Some call it grit. Many call it a growth mindset. Some call it the lion mentality. I call it the hero mindset. This mindset is the main factor in deciding whether a person succeeds or fails. While some students give up when obstacles block their […]

What is Apathetic for Students?

Teachers, have you ever taught an apathetic student? Have you ever succumbed to apathy yourself? Personally, apathy in students is my biggest pet peeve. I see apathetic students and it just feels like I’m watching them shoot themselves in the foot. The dictionary defines apathy as a lack of concern or interest. Having no concern or interest in school means […]

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